Vancouver, April 2008
Sonunda ailecek kucuk bir tatil yapma firsatini yakaladik. Her ne kadar Bulent vaktinin buyuk bir bolumunu konferansta gecirdiysede Alara ve ben bir hayli gezebildik. Alara ile ilk defa modern sanatlar muzesine gittik... Sergiler pek bir ilgisini cekti. Cok mutlu oldum. Muze ziyaretlerimize artik baslayabiliriz :-)
Vancouver San Diego'ya nazaran cok soguktu. (Gunduz 12 C. derece civari) Giyindik kusandik. Alara'yi durum gibi sarmaladik! Ama ne yalan soyliyeyim. Pek bir ozlemisiz soguk havalari. Ozellikle sicakcik cafe'lere girip sicak cukulata icmenin keyfini yeniden yasadigimiz icin cok mutlu olduk.
Hava haricinde hersey cok guzeldi. Bir tek ucak yolculuklari cok zor gecti. Kucuk hanfendi pek bir huysuzdu :-(
Pazar Sabahi Vancouver'dan ayrildigimizda hava sicakligi 15 derece civarindaydi. Aksam ustu San Diego'ya vardigimizda derece 32'yi gosteriyordu.
We finally got a chance to take a short family vacation. Bulent was pretty much occupied with his conference activities, but Alara and I found enough time to visit this beautiful citiy. We went to the modern art museum and I was pleased to see the Alara enjoyed the exhibitions. That means that we can from now on start our museum outings :-)
We finally got a chance to take a short family vacation. Bulent was pretty much occupied with his conference activities, but Alara and I found enough time to visit this beautiful citiy. We went to the modern art museum and I was pleased to see the Alara enjoyed the exhibitions. That means that we can from now on start our museum outings :-)
Vancouver was very cold when compared to San Diego. (Day time temp. was around 45 F.) So we got to wear our scarves and treated Alara like a burrito ! But I must admit that we kind of missed the cold weather. It was nice to experience the relaxing feeling of a warm cup of hot chocolate after a long walk outside :-)
Apart from the cold weather everything was wonderful. Except the plane rides where the little lady got pretty cranky :-(