California yaniyor / California burning

Bu arada California'nin guneyinde yanginlar bizi perisan etti. Her ne kadar evimizi terk etmek zorunda kalmadiysakda felaketin boyutlarini evimizden maalesef izleyebildik. Evlerini birakmak ve magdur durumda kalan tum tanidik ve sevdiklerimize gecmisler olsun.
Resimler pazartesi (22 Ekim), gunduz cekilmistir.


Meanwhile south California was devastated by many fires. Although we were lucky enough not to have had to evacuate, we still could witness the horrible sights of this disaster. We wish to extend our love and sympathy to all of our friends who had to evacuate. (and made it safely back home)
Photos were taken on the 22nd of October, during day time.


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