Alara 10 Aylik / Alara 10 months old

Selam herkes / Hello everyone

California'daki duzenimize yavas yavas donmeye basladik. Alr Turkiye'de edindigi asiri ilgi ve simartilma gibi kotu (!) aliskanliklarindan kurtarmaya calisiyorum :-) Bazen basarili oluyor, bazen de cileden cikiyoruz (Hem Alr, hem ben).... Kendileri "hayir" kelimesini anliyor ve itaat ediyor (cogunlukla)... Ancak bu konudaki itrazlarini ellerini kollarini saga sola sallayarak ve derin bir "AAAAA!" sesi cikararak belli ediyor. Bu ana-kiz arasindaki "El mi yaman, bey mi yaman" cekismesi surup gidecek gibi :-)

Ama keyfimiz yerinde... Alr 10 aylik olmus... Ilk dogum gunune az kaldi :-)


We are just adapting back to our lives in CA. I have been trying to bring Alr back to normal after her being the "center of the earth" and "extreme spoilling" days she had as the Queen of Turkey back home :-) I am being successfull some days but still strugle to deal with the very strong opinionated little baby girl she has become. She has now mastered the skill of showing her frustration by loudly screaming the letter "AAAA" while throwing her hands up in the air... I think we have now officially began to establish our routine as mother and daughter.

But we are very happy... Alr is now 10 month old... 2 more months to be big one :-)


pp said…
Biriz/Bulent - Alara is so beautiful & smiling all the time :). What a wonderful vacation you all seemed to have (despite the travel problems - we had similar ones also going to Micronesia). It is amazing how children are so adaptable & resilient in almost all situations. Loved the family pictures - I'm sure that Alr will be getting even MORE spoiled as she grows...that is what grandparents do, they spoil the kids then give them back to us to deal with it :)! Oh boy...

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