Tesekkurler / Thank you
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Bilmeyenleriniz veya yarim yamalak FB status update'lerinden takip edenler icin kisa bir ozet vermek istiyorum:
Meltem'i gormeye gittigimiz Atlanta tatilinde kalp krizini andiran bir agri ile baslayan saglik problemlerim ne yazik ki tum tatil boyunca yakami birakmadi. (Allahtan Brian'in hemsire olan teyzesi yanimizdaydi da kalp krizi olasiligini tamamen ortadan kaldirdi da tam panik yapmadik.) San Diego ucusumuzda yeniden mide agrisi cekmeye basladim ve tam olarak 8 saat suren kivrandiran bir agri ile eve dondum.
Ertesi gunu solugu doktorda aldim. Kan testi ve ultrason sonucu safra kesesi tasi sorunu yasadigim ortaya cikti. Doktor benden acile gidip hastaneye yatmam gerektigini soyledi. Zira Ultrasondan bir adet tasi safra kesesi kanalindan gecirdigim ortaya cikmis.
Ben de oyle yaptim. Cuma gunu sabahtan acile gidip doktorumun verdigi talimatlar dogrultusunda once acile kabul edildim. Hemen akabinde de ertesi gun yapilmak uzere ameliyat tarihi belirlendi.
Bu arada panik icinde Bulent kizlara bakacak kisi ve kisileri organize etmeye calisiyordu. Sagolsun Mertol Alara'ya super bakicilik etti. Bulent'de Alya'yi canta gibi bir hastaneye bir eve goturdu durdu. Meltem Cumartesi sabahi ancak bize ulasacagi icin Pinar'cik isini gucunu ve ailesini bir kenara atip bize yavru bakmaya geldi. Nihayet Meltem Cumartesi sabahi San Diego'ya ulasti. Tesekkurler Meltem.
Cumartesi sabahi kan testlerinden sonra kararlastirildigi gibi, aslinda cok basit olan, operasyon gerceklestririldi. Hersey planlandigi gibi gidiyordu ve benim en gec Pazartesi sabahi cikacagim soyleniyordu.
Ancak Pazar aksami kan miktarimin cok ani ve yogun miktarda dusmeye basladigi fark edildi ve apar topar ic kanama tehsisi ile yogun bakima alindim. 24 saat boyunca orada kaldim ve bol miktarda kan verildi.
Yogun bakim genel olarak insani bunalima sokan bir yer oldugu icin bagira cagira oradan cikarilmayi istedim ve yeterince sagilik olduguma kanaat getiren doktorlar beni yeniden cerahi servisine aldirdi.
Carsamba oglen sonunda hastaneden kurtuldum. Ancak basima gelenlerin ciddiyetini kavramadan gecirdigim bu gunlerin agirlini giderek daha cok hissetmeye basladim.
Bugunlerde her gunu teker teker karsilamayi tercih ediyorum. Her gecen gun agrilarim azaliyor, mobilitem daha da artiyor. Belli bir sure sonra da kendimi yine kendim gibi hissedecegim.
Hepinize cok tesekkur ederim. Sevgiler.
Not: Bir firsatiniz olursa kan bagislayin lutfen.
I would like to thank everyone who has sent their best wishes and extended their help and offers of help during this very challenging last week. Thank you so much. As the Alemdars we really appreciate this help and all the flowers.
For those of you who doesn't know, or who have been only following my adventures through FB status updates, here is what happened:
I started having some health problems during our Atlanta vacation, where I started having a sharp shooting pain pretty much where my stomach was located. I really thought I was having a heart attack. Thank God Brian's aunt ruled this possibility out, so we didn't loose our mind completely. After a few similar episodes I had my last one on our flight back to San Diego. That painful experience lasted about 8 hours.
The next day I went to see our GP, who was quick to diagnose the source of my pain: Gallbladder Stones. His diagnose was confirmed with the blood work and ultrasound I had done. He requested I go to the ER as soon as possible for an immediate intervention.
So I did. I checked into the ER on Friday and was admitted to the hospital immediately. My surgery was schedule to happen on Saturday.
Meanwhile, Bulent did a super human effort managing the kids. Mertol joined the effort and took care of Alara on Friday, while Bulent carried Alya like a little suitcase from our home to the hospital and vice versa. Pinar, who left her work and family aside, took of where Mertol left and did a great job taking care of both girls. Finally Meltem arrived on Saturday morning and things started to calm down a bit. Thanks so much Meltem.
Saturday I had my surgery, which I was told was very much a routine surgery. Everything went well and I was told I would be out of the hospital at the latest on Monday morning.
Sunday night, although I did not notice anything wrong with the way I was, except for being pale, I could see that doctors became concerned about some blood test results. Apparently my blood volume level had began to drop very quickly. Finally I was admitted to the ICU with a diagnosed internal bleeding. I received a large amount of blood and my condition stabilized. What ever was bleeding stopped and I did not require any additional surgery.
I remained in the ICU 24 hours, and yelled my way out of there. ICU is really not a place you want to be. It's really depressing. I had to literally be very vocal about my desire to get out of there, as well as to convince ICU nurses that I was a patient who was awake and had reservations about being treated as if I was not.
I was back at the surgery recovery floor by Monday night and remained in the hospital until Wednesday morning.
I left the hospital in pain and just about starting to realize all I have been through. Days are slow and heavy. But physical pain is going away. Everyday is a bit better.
Thanks again everyone. Biriz
Note: Donate blood if you can.