Sabah Alara'si / Morning's Alara

Alara'nin kitap meraki giderek buyuyor... Okuma, sayfalari cevirme, gorduklerine sasirmanin yanisira kitaplarin uzerinde oturmanin da tadi bir baska oluyor. Sahsen ben bu kitap uzerinde oturma olayini pek bilgilendirici bulmadim. Ama tabii bu konuda otorite sayilmam. Alara'nin bir bildigi var herhalde. Buda size Alara'nin bir sabahi olsun...
Alara's increasing apetite for books has made us very happy and we have learned alot. Like books are not only for reading, page turning or getting information across, but they are also very usefull to sit on. Personally I have not found this sitting on books stuff too enrichig but who knows mabe there is a point to it. Our daughter seems to think so... And this is one morning in Alara world.


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